Repetto's Nursery & Florist


Show your love with flowers!
Choose from the traditional rose bouquet (single color only):
One dozen roses, medium stem, arranged in vase, baby's breath, greens
For additional dozen roses, add $45.00 per dozen
*Please note: Flower prices do not include delivery charges

In the shop to pick up flowers? We have:
Just roses, please (12 stems, standard length)
Rose bouquets (no vase, with greens and fillers)
Mixed bouquets
$26.00 and up (while supplies last)
Long-stemmed roses (12 stems)
We also have an assortment of plants, orchids, orchid gardens, and mixed plant arrangements to choose from!

Local deliveries only: Half Moon Bay, El Granada, Moss Beach, Montara
For Valentine's Day delivery - February 10-14: $25 Minimum delivery order is $100.00
Prices valid February 10th through February 14th
Order your flowers today!