Repetto's Nursery & Florist
Our minimum delivery is $ 75 plus a delivery fee for custom orders. Please call a day ahead.
*Weekend deliveries in Half Moon Bay will be delivered mid morning due to local traffic.
However, for our new virtual shopping option: purchase anything we currently have in the store and use your Uber app or other delivery service to pick up and deliver for you ANYWHERE in the Bay Area. No restrictions on amount of order. Just call us first before scheduling a pick up. Custom orders still require a $75.00 minimum and ordered a day ahead of delivery date.
Non-Holiday Local Delivery By Our Staff
Delivery: Half Moon Bay Proper (Ocean Colony, Canada Cove, HMB, Miramar) is $15.00 M-F
El Granada, Princeton, Clipper Ridge is $20.00 M-F
Montara, Moss Beach is $25.00 M-Sat
Higgins Canyon is $25.00 M-Sat
Ritz-Carlton delivery $25.00 M-Sat
Saturday deliveries $25.00
No deliveries on Sunday
Weddings/Funeral $25.00 + up